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Psychological Assessments 

Comprehensive Evaluations Provide Unique Insight Into the Psychological Functioning of Adults. Assessments are Completed Based on Specific Referral Questions. 

Psychological Evaluations to Public Service Agencies or Independent Evaluations for Rejected Candidates:​Per POST Regulation 1955, The POST psychological screening dimensions provide validated, behaviorally-defined peace officer psychological attributes. Each dimension includes a job-related, behaviorally-based definition and a list of associated positive and counterproductive peace officer work behaviors, based on the input of numerous subject matter experts in the field of law enforcement and psychology. The dimensions provide common terminology for psychologists and hiring authorities in evaluating the psychological suitability of peace officer candidates. FEHA Regulation 2 CCR § 7294.0(d)(2), provides the rejected candidate with the right to submit an independent evaluation before a final determination is made, does not specify a time limit within which the second opinion must be received. Consultation with the department's legal counsel is advisable before establishing such a departmental policy. 


Annual Behavioral Health Checks

Firefighters put their lives on the line every day to protect our communities. That's why it's important to prioritize their mental health and well-being. Annual behavioral health checks can help identify and address any issues before they become more serious. Make sure your department is taking care of its own by scheduling these important check-ups today.



(657) 226-1447

65 N Madison Ave Suite 707, Pasadena CA 91101


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